The Seven Deadly Sins Series - Part 1, Envy/Jealousy
In this series, we will take a look at the seven deadly sins split into their own blog, to briefly dissect their meaning, harms and what Allah and Ahlul Bayt(as) have to say regarding them. Many faiths, including that of the major Abrahamic faiths, being Islam, Christianity and Judaism, all share the same view regarding the seven deadly sins, otherwise knows as the capital vices. Although in Islam, we have what is known as the "Greater Sins/Major Sins", one thing for sure, this we all share a common view.
In today's blog, we will briefly touch on Envy and attempt to understand it a little further so that we may know how to identify it, and how to stay away from it.
The first question we must ask is, what is envy? According to the dictionary, Envy means "A feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else possessions, qualities or luck". Basically that is to say, one is not satisfied with what they have and further to this, they despise seeing others with something, be it a materialistic possession or quality that they want for themselves and not for others.
It can also be seen as jealousy. Now, where in history can we spot some significant moments in which this disease has shown the downfall? The first case I will mention is the famous story of Satan and prostrating to Adam(as). Satan had worshiped Allah beautifully for thousands of years, but when Allah created Adam and commanded all the angels, including Satan to prostrate, he refused, which caused his eternal damnation.
We can see this in the Holy Quran:
قُلْنَا لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ اسْجُدُوا لِآدَمَ فَسَجَدُوا إِلَّا إِبْلِيسَ أَبَىٰ
وَاسْتَكْبَرَ وَكَانَ مِنَ الْكَافِرِينَ
And when We said unto the angels, prostrate yourselves before Adam, they fell prostrate, all save Iblis, he demurred through pride, and so became a disbeliever. (Chapter 2 verse 34).
Some translate the Arabic word to 'pride', 'arrogance', and 'acted proud', all of which I personally believe fall into the same category as envy/jealousy. Now, here is why.
When there was a dialogue between Allah and Iblis, Allah asked him, why did you not prostrate? To which he replied, you created me from fire and him from clay, I am better. Iblis is basically saying I, my quality is more superior to him, I shouldn't have to bow to him - Astaghfurallah!
This is the ugliness of envy/jealousy, one begins to see themselves superior to others and in turn, refuses the command of Allah. This dialogue can also be read in the Quran when it states:
قَالَ مَا
مَنَعَكَ أَلَّا تَسْجُدَ إِذْ أَمَرْتُكَ قَالَ أَنَا خَيْرٌ مِّنْهُ خَلَقْتَنِي
مِن نَّارٍ وَخَلَقْتَهُ مِن طِينٍ
(Allah) said, "What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?" (Satan) said, "I am better than him, You created me from fire and him from clay" (Chapter 7 verse 12).
The second story we could make note, is the incident of prophet Adam's two sons, Cain and Abel. A very popular story in which we know Allah had accepted the offering of Abel and not that of Cain, in which the envy/jealousy and it's likes caused Cain to murder his brother. The Holy Quran, chapter 5 verse 28 states:
بَسَطتَ إِلَيَّ يَدَكَ لِتَقْتُلَنِي مَا أَنَا بِبَاسِطٍ يَدِيَ إِلَيْكَ
لِأَقْتُلَكَ إِنِّي أَخَافُ اللَّهَ رَبَّ الْعَالَمِينَ
If you should raise your hand against me, to kill me - I shall not raise my hand against you, to kill you, Indeed, I fear Allah, Lord of the worlds.
So, it is clear, the arrogance, pride, envy and even jealousy Satan had regarding Adam was so great, after thousands of years in worship, it all went to vain when he disobeyed this order of Allah. Imam Ali(as) says, "So take lesson from how Allah death with Satan when he thwarted his long years of good deeds and all his hard work" (7).
Further, in the story of Cain and Abel, as this was the first ever recorded murder in humanity, but look at where it stems from, look at it's root cause.
Perhaps it is for this reason, Imam Ali(as) says "Jealousy is the worst disease" (1), and he says "The chief of vices is jealousy" (2). As one can see by the narrations, one of the worst things one can do is have this trait. Though why? There may be many reasons that one can ascertain from having such a negative quality, one view that may be possible is because it makes evident that one does not accept the justice of Allah, nor is this person satisfied with the planning and distribution of Allah.
Think about it this way, in many cases in the Holy Quran, Allah has stated that He gives out the sustenance, many narrations have indicated that Allah has guaranteed our sustenance (therefore go forth and seek knowledge), but I will not elaborate on this as they are mentioned in my other blogs. What I will point out though is this, Allah says in chapter 24 verse 38 "and Allah gives sustenance to whom He pleases without measure". Furthermore he says in chapter 65 verse 3 "and give him sustenance from whence he thinks not; and whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him, surely Allah attains His purpose; Allah indeed has appointed a measure for everything".
If we just use these two verses, it makes one realise that if one suffers from envy/jealousy, they have lost faith in the justice of Allah and disagree with the way He has 'appointed a measure for everything'. Astaghfurallah, it is as though this individual is questioning the wisdom of Allah, in that things should be done a certain way.
Now we will use some gems of wisdom narrated by the Ahlul Bayt(as) to continue understanding a little more about the benefits of avoiding such a negative trait. The Holy Prophet(saaw) said, "Jealousy will destroy good deeds, just as fire destroys wood" (3). This narration does not need much further elaboration as it is quite clear. Throw wood into the fire, the wood is destroyed, have jealousy as a trait, your good deeds are destroyed.
The idea of jealousy burning deeds like fire burns wood, reminds me of a beautiful narration, which I slightly segway but it is still somewhat relevant to this topic. The Holy Prophet(saaw) said, Whoever says 'SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah) God will plant a tree for him in paradise. Whoever says 'Alhamdullilah (Praise is due to Allah), God will plant a tree for him in paradise instead. Whoever says 'La Ilaha Ila Allah' (There is no God but Allah), God will plant a tree for him in paradise instead. Whoever says 'Allahu Akbar' (God is the greatest) God will plant for him a tree in paradise instead. Here a man of the Qureish said, Therefore we will have many trees in paradise. To which the Messenger of Allah replied, Yes, but do not ever set fire to those trees, for God has said 'Oh Believers! Obey Allah and His Messenger and do not make your deeds void' ". (4)
Yes, this narration is essentially speaking about the importance and value of Zikr, so make yourselves gardens in paradise inshAllah, and do not burn it with sins! Or moreover, envy/jealousy!! You see, Allah has created the system of cause and effect. If we can say a cause is to do a good deed, it's effect will be a reward, in the aforementioned hadith, a tree planted in paradise. Likewise, if one was to commit a sin, which is a cause, it's effect is to burn the tree.
I'll end this blog on one more narration which I hope serves as a motivation InshAllah. It has been narrated that Moses(as) saw the high rank of a man near the Throne and envied him. He asked about the man. He was told "That man was never jealous of what God granted to others from His Eminence" (5).
It should be noted here, that 'envy' in this narration does not refer to the envy we are discussing in it's negative sense. perhaps this is a word chosen as 'poor translation' or perhaps there was no other suitable word for it. However, the prophets and Ahlul Bayt never had the slightest error in them. Their qualities are unmatched and perfected. It is just pretty obvious, that in this race of life, we are all trying to attain the highest positions with Allah.
In fact, I am just going to add a story about the humbleness of Moses(as) just to emphasise on what I mean here: God inspired Moses(as) 'Whenever you come to Me supplicating, bring with you one from who you are better.' Moses(as) did not dare to say he was better than others. Therefore he stopped finding such a person among the human beings and began to search among the animals until he came across a mangy dog. He said to himself 'I will take it with me'. He put a rope round it's neck and pulled it behind him. On the way he untied the rope and set the dog free. When Moses(as) reached the supplication site, God said to him 'Oh Moses! Where is man We had ordered you to bring?' Moses(as) replied 'Oh God! I could not find it.' God then replied, 'By My Glory, even if you had brought one person, I would have erased your name from the book of prophets'. (6)
Although this story does not exactly relate to our topic, it can tie in when we make note of humbleness and humility, as opposed to envy and jealousy, and further I simply wanted to make clear the English translation of the previous narration stating Moses envied a man is not the envy in the negative sense we are discussing.
We ask Allah to purify our hearts and souls, to remove all negative vices, traits and ill intentions and make us pure. We ask Allah to hasten the reappearance of the Mahdi(aj) and make us of his followers and companions. We ask Allah to raise us on the day of Judgement with Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad (peace be upon them all).
Reference List:
1 - The Scale of Wisdom, Hadith 1597
2 - The Scale of Wisdom, Hadith 1598
3 - Mishkat Ul Anwar, Hadith 1799
4 - Odattol Daee, Hadith 676
5 - Mishkat Ul Anwar, Hadith 1803
6 - Odattol Daee, Hadith 568
7 - Nahjul Balagha Sermon 192
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